Hello & Welcome from Discovery's PTO. We are glad you are here. All DMS families, teachers, and staff are members.
Start here:
Discovery PTO’s 5-Minute Online Form
Complete this form to connect with the PTO. Please note, that completing this form is required to join our FB page and to participate in Scrip.
You will also have the option to sign up for the weekly PTO email and register for the student directory.
Facebook Group
After completing the 5-Minute Online Form, join our closed group as another means of keeping up with what’s going on at school by searching “Discovery Middle School PTO”
PTO Board 2024 - 2025
President Erika Haahr: erika_haahr@yahoo.com
VP - Concession Manager - Co-chair Laura Imdieke: laura.imdieke@gmail.com
VP - Concession Manager - Co-chair Lora Reihl: lorahottell@hotmail.com
VP - Scrip Coordinator – Elizabeth Cichowicz: ema817@aol.com
Treasurer – Maggie Thompson: mmthompson12@hotmail.com
Secretary – Jen Hill: Jbinder82@gmail.com
PTO Reimbursement Form
Click here to download reimbursement form.
PTO Committees 2024-2025
- AIM Rewards (Purchasing items to be used at school for Archer Card rewards)
- Box Tops for Education (now digital!)
- Concession Stand (Help run the stand during various events, keep the fridge stocked, and manage money)
- 3BOS (Three Books One School, assist with decorating the commons area )
- PHM Forum Representative (attend monthly meetings on a Wednesday at noon to hear Dr. Thacker and others speak about happenings in PHM and write a brief report to be included in the DMS PTO Newsletter)
- Poinsettia Sales (Organize the ordering and distributing of poinsettias one time per year)
- Teacher/Staff Appreciation (Coordinating staff meals during fall conferences & appreciation week in May)
- 8th Grade Reality Store (Present your career to students or work a table to help students role-play in the ‘real world’ in March)
- 8th Grade Party (Help plan this fun event in May for the 8th graders)
- 8th Grade T-Shirts (Help with the designing, ordering, and distribution of t-shirts for 8th graders)
- Give Back Night (Coordinate give back nights in the winter and spring)
- Spirit Wear